Hello Animal Lovers!

I'm Keiko. I'm an alpaca shepherdess and a holistic animal healer. I combine my practical knowledge and intuition to help you find the most aligned empowering solutions to your beloved animal's health challenges.

I look forward to supporting you and your beloved animals!

Lots of love from the farm!

For You and Your Animals!

Holistic Animal Care Sessions

Practical and intuitive session for wellness on all levels for your beloved animals!

Holistic Animal Care Course

Empower yourself to holistically care for your beloved animals!

Handmade Gift Shop

Needle felted angels and more to bring more magic and joy!

Website Disclaimer, Privacy Policy, and Terms and Conditions

Any information and content such as text, graphics, and images found within our Website is for general educational, entertainment, and informational purposes only. Information is not intended nor otherwise implied to be medical advice or a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.